X-girl teams up with By Way Of Us in voter education effort
We’ve partnered with @bywayof.us to support the third installment of their Back To The Ballot program.
On October 12th, they'll be going through a non-partisan voter guide “Understanding WTF is on the Ballot,” taking perspective voters through everything on the ballot, and each CA measure.
By Way of Us has enlisted Laura Herrera, a self-defined advocate who currently sits on the board of the South Bay CC Thrive and the Huntington Park Women's Club. She's held seats and board positions at ACLU of Southern California, Huntington Park Planning Commission, Planned Parenthood Young Professionals. She's also worked for the California Sates Assembly and the California Women's Law Center.
#BACKTOTHEBALLOT has always been about LEARNING, creating an open space for voters to say “I don’t understand this, can you explain further?”. It’s okay to not know! That’s how this whole event got started in the first place!⠀
Until then, they’ll be sharing helpful insights and making sure voters have the info need to fight voter suppression which is VERY REAL. Please save the date and share with friends. Thank you to By Way Of Us, for involving x-girl, and thanks everyone who is involved in creating helpful environments for voter education.